Ornamental Grasses
Here are the varieties that have been ordered for the 2024 garden season.
Until the plants arrive this list may be subject to change and shortages.
Please note that we do most of our ordering in the fall for the next season, so special orders are best done then if there's something specific you're looking for. We do continuous perennial orders throughout the season.
These lists are only what was ordered and not the current available stock
Send orders or requests to: digorders@gmail.com store at 250-359-5926
Andropogon - Big Bluestem
Holy Smoke #1
Red October 15cm
Calamagrostis - Feather Reed Grass
Eldorado #1
Hello Spring #1
Karl Foerster #1
Karl Foerster 9cm
Brachytricha (Korean) 15cm
Carex - Sedge
Buchananii FireFox 9cm
Glauca Blue Zinger 9cm
Oshimensis Evergold 9cm
Festuca - Fescue
Glauca Elijah Blue 9cm
Idahoensis Siskiyou Idaho Blue 9cm
Hakonechloa - Japanese Forest Grass
All Gold #1
All Sunflare #1
Helictotrichon - Blue Oat Grass
Sempervirens 9cm
Imperata - Japanese Blood Grass
Red Baron #1
Red Baron 9cm
Miscanthus - Maiden Grass
Yaku Jima #1
Zebrinus #3
Giganteus 15cm
Bandwidth 15cm
Gold Bar 15cm
Graziella 15cm
Morning Light #1
Red Chief 15cm
Muhlengergia- Pink Hair Grass
Undaunted 15cm
Ophiopogon - Black Mondo Grass
Nigrescens Black Mondo #1
Planiscarpus Black Beard #1
Pennisetum - Fountain Grass
Alopecuroides Black Beauty 15cm
Alopecuroides Foxtrot 15cm
Alopecuroides Ginger Love 15cm
Messiacum Red Bunny Tails 9cm
Orientale Karley Rose 15cm
Sisyrinchium Idahoense - Blue-Eyed grass
Macounii Moody Blues #1