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Here are the varieties that have been ordered for the 2024 garden season.

Until the plants arrive this list may be subject to change and shortages.


We do continuous perennial orders based on the upcoming bloom times.

 These lists are only what was ordered and not the current available stock


Send orders or requests to:  store at 250-359-5926

Achillea- Yarrow


Summer Berries millefolium  9cm

Milly Rock millefolium  #1

New Vintage Red  #1

New Vintage White  #1

King Edward achillea X lewisii  9cm

Achillea ptarmica Peter Cottontail #1


Agastache - Annise Hyssop


Sunrise Salmon Pink  #1

Tango  #1


Ajuga- Bugleweed


Feathered Friends® Noble Nightingale  11cm 

Feathered Friends® Tropical Toucan  11cm

Princess Elsa  11cm 

Black Scallop  9cm 

Burgundy Glow  9cm 

Chocolate Chip  9cm

Metallica Crispa  9cm


Alcea - Hollyhock


Chater's Chamois Rose  9cm

Chater's Golden Yellow  9cm

Chater's Maroon  9cm

Chater's Scarlet  9cm


Allium - Ornamental onion


Glitterbug Humble Bumble hybrid  #1

Windy City  hybrid  #1


Alyssum - Yellow Rockery


montanum Tekara  #1

wulfenianum Golden Spring  9cm


Amsonia - Dogbane


Blue Ice  15cm



Andromeda - Bog Rosemary


Andromeda polifolia Blue Ice  #1


Anemone- Windflower


Frilly Knickers Japanese Anemone  #1

Sylvestris Snowdrop Anemone  #1

Pamina Japanese Anemone  #1

Anemone hybrid Curtain Call Pink #1


Aquilegia - Columbine


canadensis Little Lanterns  9cm

canadensis Little Lanterns  #1

Earlybird™ Purple Blue  9cm

Earlybird™ Purple White  9cm

Earlybird™ Purple Yellow  9cm

Earlybird™ Red Yellow  9cm

vulgaris Black Barlow  #1

vulgaris Ruby Port  #1


Aralia - Golden Japanese Spikenard


Aralia Sun King #1


Arabis - Rock Cress



Catwalk pink  9cm

Catwalk white  9cm


Arenaria - Sandworts


Montana  9cm

Winter Lemon  9cm


Armeria - Thrift


martima Dusseldorf's Pride  #1

pseudarmeria Sweet Dreams  #1


Artemisia - Wormwood


Silver cascade  9cm




Alpinus Formula Mix  9cm

Dumosus Wood's Blue  #1

Dumosus Wood's Pink  #1

Aster Island Samoa  15cm 

Aster Island Tonga  15cm




arendsii Bridal Veil  #1

chinensis Vision in Red  #1

japonica Montgomery  #1

Astilbe x ardensii Color Flash Lime  #1



Aubrietia - Rock Cress


Audrey Blue Shades  9cm

Audrey Blue Sky  9cm

Rock On Blue  11cm

Rock On Pink  11cm 

Rock On Purple  11cm 


Baptisia - False Indigo


Burgundy Blast  #1

Honey Roasted  #1

Plum Rosy  #1


Bellis - English Daisy


Bam Bam™ Red  9cm

Bam Bam™ Rose  9cm




Bressingham Ruby  #1


Campanula - Bell Flower


Carpatica Rapido Blue  9cm 

Carpatica Rapido White  9cm

Cochlearifolia Bavarian Blue  #1

Cochlearifolia Bavarian White  #1

Garganica Dickson's Gold  #1

Garganica Dickson's Gold  9cm

Persicifolia Takion Blue  9cm 

Poscharskyana Blue Waterfall (Camgood)  #1


Catananche - Cupids Dart


Caerulea  #1


Cerastium - Snow in Summer


Tomentosum  9cm


Chelone - Turtlehead


Lyonii Hot Lips  #1


Convarllia - Lily Of The Valley


Majalis 10cm

Majalis Rosea  #1


Coreopsis- Tickseed


Elfin Gold  9cm

Creme Caramel  #1

Andiamo™ Yellow Red  9cm

Double the Sun  9cm

Early Sunrise  9cm

SunFire  9cm

Sunkiss  9cm

Sizzle & Spice Crazy Cayenne  #1


Crocosmia - Montbretia


Emberglow  #1

Lucifer  #1


Delosperma - Ice Plant


Cooperi Jewel Of Desert Amethyst  #1

Cooperi Jewel Of Desert Garnet  #1

Cooperi Jewel Of Desert Peridot  #1

Delmara Fuchsia  9cm

Delmara Orange  9cm

Delmara Pink  9cm

Delmara Pink Halo  9cm 

Delmara Red  9cm

Delmara White  9cm 

Delmara Yellow  9cm 

Jewel of Desert Amethyst  #1

Jewel of Desert Garnet  #1

Jewel of Desert Peridot  #1

Nubigenum  9cm

Fire Spinner  #1


Delphinium- Larkspur


Delphina™ Dark Blue Black Bee  9cm 

Delphina™ Dark Blue White Bee  9cm

Delphina™ Light Blue White Bee  9cm

Delphina™ Pink White Bee  9cm 

Grandiflorum Summer Nights  #1

Magic Fountain Cherry Blossom  #1

New Millennium™ Blue Lace  11cm

New Millennium™ Green Twist  11cm 

New Millennium™ Pagan Purples  11cm 

New Millennium™ Pink Punch  11cm 

New Millennium™ Purple Passion  11cm


Dianthus- Carnation


American Bumbleberry Pie  #1

American Cherry Pie  #1

Constant Beauty Crush Burgundy  11cm 

Constant Beauty Crush Cherry  11cm 

Constant Cadence Cherry  11cm 

Constant Cadence Peach Milk  11cm

Constant Cadence Red  11cm

Constant Cadence White  11cm 

Flashing Light  9cm

Pink Gem  9cm

Red Gem  9cm

American Pie Bumbleberry Pie  #1

Dianthus Neon Star  #1


Dianthus Barbatus - Sweet William


Dwarf double mix  9cm


Dicentra- Bleeding Heart


Formosa Adrian Bloom  #1ground cover

Formosa Luxuriant  #1 ground cover

Spectabilis Ruby Gold  #1


Digitalis - Foxglove


mertonensis9 cm Square


Doronicum- Leopards Bane


Leonardo Compact  #1


Echinacea - Coneflower


Dark Shadows Wicked  15cm 

Dark Shadows™ Mystic  15cm

Double Scoop™ Cranberry  15cm 

Double Scoop™ Mandarin  #1

Double Scoop™ Raspberry Deluxe  #1

Double Scoop™ Watermelon Deluxe  15cm 

Artisan Red Ombre  #1

Artisan Soft Orange  #1

Eye Catcher Coral Craze  #1

Prima Ginger  #1

Tweety pink  #1

Tweety Red  #1

Magnus Superior  #2

Magnus Superior  #1

Panama Red  #1

Pow Wow Wild Berry  #1

Sombrero Baja Burgundy  #1

Sombrero Tres Amigos  #1

Sombrero® Summer Solstice  15cm

SunSeekers® Magenta Improved  15cm

Sweet Sandia  15cm


Echium - Red Feathers


Red Feathers  #1


Enkianthus - Redvein


Showy Lantern  #3




Athyrium hybrid GhostFern  #2

Athyrium niponicum Godzilla Japanese Painted Fern  #1

Athyrium niponicum Mettalicum Japanese Painted Fern  #1

Athyrium nipponicum Burgubdy Lace Japanese Painted Fern  #1

Athyrium nipponicum Metallicum Japanese Painted Fern  #1

Athyrium nipponicum Silver Falls Japanese Painted Fern  #1

Dryopteris affinis Cristata the King Male Fern  #2

Dryopteris erythrosora Japanese Shield Fern  #1

Dryopteris erythrosora Prolifica Japanese Shield Fern  #1

Dryopteris wallichiana Jurassic Gold Wallich's Fern  #1

Dryopteris walliichana Jurassic Park Wallich's Fern  #1

Polystichum manitum Western Sword Fern  #1

Polystichum polyblepharum Japanese Tassle Fern  #1


Gaillardia - Blanket Flower


Arizona Red Shades  9cm

Arizona Sun  9cm

Maraichi Copper  #1

Spintop Copper Sun  15cm

SpinTop Red  #1

Mesa™ Red  9cm 

Aristata Arizon Sun  #1


Gentiana - Gentian


Little Pinkie Ashiro  #1

Blue Star  #1




Cantabrigiense Biokovo  9cm

Dilys  #1

Dreamland  #1

Macrorrhizum Ingwersen's Variety 15cm 

Sanguineum Album  #1

Sanguineum Vision Violet  #1


Geum - Avens

Borisii  9cm 

Koi  9cm 


Gypsophila - Baby's Breath


Filou Rose  9cm

Filou White  9cm


Helenium - False Sunflower


Autumnale Mariachi Fuego  #2


Helleborus - Hellebore


Ashwood Garden Hybrid  #1

JWLS Winterbells  #1

Winter Jewels Apricot Blush  #1

Winter Jewels Rose Quartz  #1

Winter Queen Strain  #1


Hemerocallis - Daylily


Crimson Pirate  #1

Band of Fire  #1

Little Business  #1

Pardon Me  #1

Primal Scream  #1

Purple D'oro  #1


Heuchera - Coral Bells


Grape Timeless  #1

Lava Lamp  #1

Lemon Love  #1

Plum Pudding  #1

Timeless Glow  #1

Timeless Treasure  #1

Sanguinea Ruby Bells  #1

Sanguinea Snow Angel  #1

Villosa Autumn Bride  #1


Heucherella - Foamy Bells


Citrus Shock  #1

Pink Fizz  #1


Hibiscus - Rose Mallow

(see Rose of Sharon in Shrubs)


Airbrush Effects  #2 

Angel Eyes  #2 

Blackberry Merlot  #2 

Dark Mystery  #2 

Dark Mystery  #1

Mars Madness  #1

Midnight Marvel  #1

Summer Carnival  #2 

Summer in Paradise  #1




Abiqua Drinking Gourd  #1

Big Daddy  #1

Christmas Tree  #1

Colored Hulk  #1

Curly Fries  #1

Devon Green  #1

First Frost  #1

Gold Standard  #1

Great Expectations  #1

Guacamole  #1

Diana Remembered  #1

Oh Cindy  #1

T-Rex  #1

Munchkin Fire  11cm 

Patriot  #1

Paul's Glory  #1

Royal Standard  #1

Wide Brim  #1

Yellow River  #1

Blue Carpet  #1


Hypericum - St. John's Wort


Calycinum  9cm 


Iberis - Candytuff


Candy Ice  #1

Flush Lavender  #1

Pink Ice  #1

Purity  #1

Snowstation  #1




Ensata Variegata  #1

Setosa Arctica  9cm 

Sibirica Butter & Sugar  #1

Sibirica Colonel Mustard  #1

Sibirica Concord Crush  #1

Sibirica Ruffles Velvet  #1

Versicolor Purple Flame  #1


Jasminum - Winter Jasmine


Nudiflorum  #1


Kniphofia - Red Hot Poker


Hirsuta Fire Dance  #1

Royal Castle mixture  9cm 


Lamium - Spotted Dead Nettle


Lamira  9cm

Lami Dark Purple  #1

Lami Mega Purple  #1

Orchid Frost  9cm 

Orchid Frost Gold  9cm 


Leontopodium - Edelweiss


Blossom of Snow  #1


Leucanthemum - Shasta Daisy


Crazy Daisy  9cm 

Double Angel Daisy  #1

Snow Lady  9cm 


Lewisia - Bitterroot


Little Raspberry  #1


Liatris - Blazing Star




Lilium - Asiatic Lily


Gwenn  #1





Grace Ward  #1

Grace Ward  9cm


Lobelia - Cardinal Flower


Compliment Deep Red  #1

Starship Scarlet  #1


Lychnis - Rose Campion


Coronaria  9cm 


Lysimachia - Creeping Jenny


Alfredii Night Light  9cm

Nummalaria  9cm

Nummalaria Aure  9cm


Mazus - Creeping Mazus


Reptans  9cm

Reptans Albus  9cm


Monarda - Beebalm


Marje Rose  #1

Raspberry Wine  #1

Sugar Buzz Berry Taffy  #1

Sugar Buzz Bubblegum Blast  #1

Sugar Buzz Cherry Pops  #1

Sugar Buzz Rockin' Raspberry  #1

Sugar Buzz® Cherry Pops  15cm


Monardella - Hummingbird Coyote Mint


Macrantha Marion Sampson  #1


Musa basjoo - Banana tree


Myosotis - Forget Me Not


Bluesylva  9cm

Rosylva  9cm 


Nepeta - Catmint


Sylvester Blue  #1

Walker's Low  9cm

Junior Walker  #1


Osteospermum - African Daisy


Lavender Mist  #1


Paeonia - Peony


Glowing Bride  #1

Reine Hortense  #1

Silk Kisses  #1

Pink  #1

Red  #1

White  #1


Paeonia - Tree Peony

High Noon (Yellow)  #2


Paeonia - Itoh Peony


Callies Memory  #2

Garden Treasure  #2

Yellow Waterlily  #2


Papaver - Poppy


Icelandic Garden Gnome  9cm

Oriental Brilliant  9cm

Oriental Princess Victoria Louise  9cm 

Oriental Royal Wedding  9cm 


Penstemon - Beardtounge


Blackbeard  #1

Cherry Sparks  #1

Cherry Sparks  #1

Carolyn's Hope  #1

Red Rocks  #1


Perovskia- Russian Sage



Blue Steel  #1

Species  #1

Blue Spire#1

Blue Steel  9cm 

Bluesette  9cm

Crazy Blue  #1

Lacey Blue  #1

Rocketman  #1

Rocketman  15cm




Blue Moon  #1 Wild Sweet William

Chattahoochee  #1 Wild Sweet William

May Breeze  #1 Wild Sweet William


Balkapopink  #1 upright

Bambini Cherry Crush  #1 upright

Candy Store Coral Crème Drop  #1 upright

Flame Lite Pink  #1 upright

Garden Girls™ Cover Girl  15cm upright

Garden Girls™ Glamor Girl  15cm  upright

Garden Girls™ Party Girl  15cm upright

Garden Girls™ Uptown Girl  15cm upright

Ka-Pow White Bicolor  #1 upright

Super Ka-Pow Fuchsia  #1 upright


Violet Pinwheels  #1 creeping

Amazing Grace  9cm creeping

Candy Stripe  9 cm creeping

Emerald Cushion Blue  9cm creeping

Spring Lavender  9cm creeping

Spring Lilac  9cm creeping

Spring Pink  9cm creeping

Spring Pink Dark Eye  9cm creeping

Spring Scarlet  9cm creeping

Spring Soft Pink  9cm creeping

Spring White  9cm creeping


Physostegia - Obedient Plant


Virginiana Miss Manners  #1


Platycodon - Balloon Flower


Astra Blue  #1

Popstar Pink  #1


Polemonium - Jacob's Ladder


Heavenly Habit  9cm


Primula - Primrose


Denticulata Ronsdorf Hybrids  9cm Drumstick Primrose

Elatior Victorian Laced Primroses v 9cm Oxlup Primrose

Veris Cabrillo Dark Yellow  9cm Cowslip Primrose

Veris Sunset Shades  9cm Cowslip Primrose

Vialii  9cm Orchid Primrose

Bulleesiana   9cm Candelabra Primrose


Prunella - Self-Heal


Summer Daze  #1


Pulmonaria - Lungwort


Twinkle Toes  #1


Pulsatilla - Pasque Flower Red


Vulgaris  #1

Vulgaris Rubra  #1


Rudbeckia - Black Eyed Susan


Fulgida Goldsturm  9cm

Hirta Indian Summer  9cm

Glitters like Gold   #1


Salvia - Sage


Blue Bouquet#1

Bumbleberry  #1

Feathers Peacock  #1

New Dimension Blue  9cm

New Dimension Rose Improved  9cm

Salvatore Blue  9cm 


Sagina - Irish Moss


Subulata  9cm 

Subulata Aurea  9cm 


Saponaria - Soapwort


Socymoides  9cm 


Saxifraga - Rockfoil


Scenic Red  9cm 

Scenic White  9cm 


Scutellaria - Skullcap


Cherry Skullcap  #1

Smoky Hills  #1


Sedum - Stonecrop


Double Martini  15cm

Dream Dazzler  #1

Elegans  9cm

Autumn Joy  #1

Black Knight  #1

Dark Magic  #1

Sunsparkler Cherry Tart  #1

Sunsparkler Dazzleberry  #1

Sunsparkler Lime Zinger  #1

Little Miss Sunshine  9cm

Lime Zinger  #1

Blue Spruce  9cm 

Solar Spice  #1

Cape Blanco  9cm 

What A Doozy  #1

Autumn Joy  #1

Cherry Truffle  15ce

Coral Reef  9cm


Sempervivum - Hens + Chicks


Forest Frost  9cm

Desert Bloom  9cm

Jubilee  9cm

Pacific Blue Ice  9cm

Pacific Devil's Food  9cm

Pilioseum  9cm

Red Beauty  9cm

Royal Ruby  9cm


Stachys - Lamb's Ears


Byzantina  9 cm 

Little Lamb  9 cm 

Silky Fleese  #1


Thymus - Creeping/Wooly


Praecox Elfin  9cm

Praecox Purple Carpet  9cm

Praecox Albiflorus  #1

Praecox Albiflorus  9cm

Praecox Coccinneus (red thyme)  #1

Pseudolanuginosus Wooly Thyme  #1

Pseudolanuginosus Wooly Thyme  9cm

Serphyllum Pink Chintz  #1

Serphyllum Pink Chintz  9cm

Serpyllum Elfin  #1


Trandescantia - Spider Wort


Andersoniana Sweet Kate  #1




Repens Sunshine  9cm

Spicata Giles van Hees  9cm

Veronica whitleyi  9cm


Viola - Violets


Sorbet™ Black Delight  9cm

Sorbet™ Blue Blotch  9cm

Sorbet™ Honeybee  9cm

Sorbet™ Lemon Chiffon  9cm

Sorbet™ Mix  9cm

Sorbet™ Tiger Eye  9cm

Sorbet™ XP Deep Orange  9cm

Sorbet™ XP Delft Blue  9cm

Sorbet™ XP Neptune  9cm

Sorbet™ XP Raspberry  9cm

Sorbet™ XP Red  9cm

Labradorica  9cm

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